Sedat Korkmaz

A computer engineering student and software developer experienced in web technologies.

Izmir, Turkey



I am a senior computer engineering student and a software developer with 1.5 years of internship experience. As a creative and solution-oriented software developer, I am committed to solving problems with the most efficient solutions. I work carefully on code quality and performance optimization in the projects I implement or participate in. I have been actively contributed in my previous internship experiences and in the process, I have developed my skills in working in a team and communicating effectively. I am actively working on web technologies, especially in my internship experience, I have successfully used React, JavaScript and Redux technologies. I am also focusing on Swift and React Native to improve myself in mobile programming. I am always open to continuous learning and adapting to new technologies. I value collaboration and knowledge sharing within a team, and I can contribute using my technical knowledge and problem solving skills by working as part of a dynamic and innovative team.

Work Experience

Innovance Consultancy

2024/02 - present

Software Developer Intern(React/React Native)

Arcelik Global

2022/12 - 2024/02

Software Developer Intern PREP

I am working on an employee management application called Connecta at Arçelik. In this project, I am working on a module developed for employees to enter expenses. I contribute to this project by using technologies such as React, Redux Saga and Material UI.


2022/07 - 2022/10

Frontend Developer Intern

During my time at Producter, I worked on the development of a comprehensive cycle that included feedback collection, task management, roadmap tracking, and update sharing for teams. I developed a block text editor using slate.js and dndkit libraries for the Documentation module. I Built billing and plans pages using Stripe API, and created a custom checkout pageusing Stripe API for the payment screen. I also used GraphQL and Redux Toolkit technologies


Ege University

2022 - present(expected graduation 2024)
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

Bakırçay University

2020 - 2022
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

